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Pintor y profesor de arte que promociono el Arte en la Escuela
donde la gente aprendía a traves de la interpretacion de imagenes, simbolos y signos, incluido el idioma. Como un
maestro de aula con experiencia de Pre-K a 12º grado en escuelas e instituciones privadas progresivas e independientes, creia necesario
promover la alfabetizacion visual y fomentar el dialogo hacia una mejor comprensión del mundo que nos rodea mediante la inclusion de las
Artes en la Educacion. Las herramientas que utilizan los artistas y los profesores de arte son las mismas: Los elementos del arte y los principios
del disenho. De esta manera, pintar es una manera de escribir; y el Arte Visual es un idioma. Si se puede aprender a leer y a escribir, tambien se puede
pintar y dibujar.. - >>>
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Painter and Art Teacher promoting Art in Education where people learned about
their community through the interpretation of images, symbols, and signs - including language. As an
educator with Pre-K to Grade 12 experience in private, progressive independent schools and institutions, it is necessary to promote
visual literacy and encourage dialogue towards a better understanding of the world around us by including the Arts in Education. The tools that artists and art teachers use are the same:
the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design.
In this way, Painting is a Language; and Drawing, is like Writing. - >>>
Art in Education : "Let someone else do it." - anonymous
2020 - 2021 |
The Greendale School, Long Island, NY, NY, USA: Temporary Covid Emergency LS Art Teacher
2018 - 2020 |
Qingdao AiDi School 新世纪学校 Qingdao 青岛, China 中国 PRC: LS Art Teacher
2012 - 2017 |
Qingdao Laoshan New Century School 新世纪学校 Qingdao 青岛, China 中国 PRC: LS Art Teacher
2011 - 2012 |
Qingdao International School , Qingdao 青岛, China 中国 PRC: LS Art Teacher
2007 - 2011 |
Allison Academy 1881 NE 164 St. MIA, FL, USA : MS & HS Art Teacher
Summer 2010 |
Campagna Center 418 S. Washington St, Alexandria, VA : Summer Art Program : T.C. Williams : HS Art Teacher
Summer 2009 |
Campagna Center 418 S. Washington St, Alexandria, VA : Summer Art Program : Head Start : LS Art Teacher
Summer 2008 |
Campagna Center 418 S. Washington St, Alexandria, VA : Eisenhower Valley Public Art Project : MS & HS Art Teacher
2005 - 2006 |
Miami Country Day School : MIA, FL : Spartan Mural at the Athletic Center and Pool : Community Service Program for MS & HS Students
2004 - 2005 |
Fisher Island Day School : Implemented and Developed Art Curriculum for Pre-K to Grade 5 : Elementary Art Teacher
2001 - 2003 |
American International School in Egypt AISE, Cairo, Egypt: International Baccalaureate MS & HS Art & Design |
1995 - 2000 |
The Beekman School: 220 East 50th Street, NY, NY : HS Art & Design Teacher |
1993 - 1994 |
The Jewish Museum: 1109 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY : Public
Relations: Visitor Services |
1986 - 1992 |
Foote, Cone & Belding Advertising, FCB: Publicidad Siboney : NY, NY : Art Dept. |
Selected Exhibitions: "Il ne peut pas y avoir des ecoles, il n'y a que des peintres" - Gustave Courbet
Fall 2023 |
Carroll Square Art Gallery: 975 F St. NW : Washington DC : USA : 3 Years in Egypt
Winter 2019 |
Studio A : Washington DC : USA : Our National City in the International Landscape : New Paintings
December 2017 |
Aqua Art Miami : Art Basel Miami Beach: Studio A : Washington DC : USA
Summer 2016 |
Studio A : Washington DC : USA : Chinese Take Away
May, 5.2014 |
138艺术仓库 : 138Art : Qingdao, China : Jorge & Bella, "Qingdao Girls Advertising Posters"
September, 2012 |
138艺术仓库 : 138Art : Qingdao, China : 乔治佩雷兹�卢比奥, Feng Shui 风水 Drawings
Summer 2012 |
Olympic Sailing Museum : Qingdao, China : Marine Ocean Festival : Group Show
Summer 2009 |
L'Enfant Moderne : Georgetown, Washington DC : USA: Miami Vertical
July, 2008 |
Welcome to Eisenhower Valley : Claremont Business Center : Group Show : Drawings : Alexandria, VA
January, 2008 |
Dania Beach Art Festival : Flora and Floridians: Dania Beach, FL
February, 2007 |
Fundacion Educativa Carlos M. Castaneda : Beneficio del Fondo
de Becas: Cultural Latin Quarter, 1501 SW Calle 8: Miami : Florida : USA
"Ciudad de Dios" |
April, 2007 |
Miami Beach House : Murano Grande, South Beach: Miami : Florida : USA |
May, 2007 |
Interfaith : Hollywood : Florida : USA : Group Show |
November, 2005 |
Art at Trinity Cathedral : 1545 N Bayshore Dr. Miami, Florida : USA : Group Show |
Summer 2004 |
Miami Country Day School :Miami, Florida : USA : Mangrove Mural: Premer Elementary Playground
March, 2004 |
Coconut Grove Home Design And Remodeling Show : Pesqueira Gallery, Miami, Florida : USA
2004-2005 |
Goodeye Art Gallery: 4918 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Washington, DC: People of Egypt |
February, 2004 |
The Egyptian Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt : 1303 New Hampshire Ave. Washington
DC: "People and Places of Egypt" |
February, 2004 |
La Galeria Mall and the Museum of Art Ft. Lauderdale ; Florida : USA: "Sailfish" Public Art
Project |
Spring, 2003 |
The Bamiyan Project: Bubendorf, Switzerland: Benefit Art Show for Restoration of the Bamiyan Buddhas |
June, 2003 |
Sarawak Gallery, Manassas, Va: Exotic Furniture, Decorative Urban Landscape and the Figure
March, 2003 |
Karima Art Gallery: Shera El Merghany, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt;
�Egyptian Landscape and Figure� |
November, 2002 |
Wellspring: 299 Herndon Parkway, Herndon, VA; New York City
1999-2000: Paintings and Drawings" |
June, 2001 |
Building Better Futures: Washington DC: Charity Auction: "City of God: Coexistence |
January, 2001 |
The Town School: 450 East 76th St., New York, NY: Annual
Benefit Auction; "The Town School, View from the East River"
November, 2000 |
New York School of Interior Design: 170 East 50 St., New
York, NY: Annual Fund Auction; "Park Avenue and 68th Street"
(oil on canvas, 16x20) |
September, 1999 |
Galeria Artesanos: 2729 Salzedo St. Coral Gables , Miami, Florida : USA "Encuentros"
Group Show
November, 1997 |
World Fine Art: 511 West
25th Street, New York, NY: Annual Brazilian Exhibition; Group
Show: contour painting |
June, 1997 |
Angel Orensanz Foundation: 172 Norfolk Street, New York,
NY: Green Cheese Banquet; Group Show: two figures |
May, 1997 |
Context Hall: 21 Avenue A, New York, NY: Spider Arts Alliance
Benefit; Group Show: centaurs |
March, 1996 |
The China Club : Showcase: NY, NY
May, 1996 |
The Art Students League: 215 West 57th Street, New York,
NY: Figure Drawings on paper (14x17) |
Politics & Publications : "NON SCHOLAE SED VITAE DISCIMUS" - Erasmus by way of Elfie Raymond
2015 |
"Washington: A History of Our National City by Tom Lewis; Aerial DeConstruction of Washington DC :
"Lines carry meaning...like words"
(Available on Amazon here)
May 2018 |
Latin American Youth Foundation: Charity Auction : Washington DC ReVisited , oil on canvas Washington DC : USA
2012 - 2014 |
QCCI Education Park: Artist in Residence :新世纪学校 Qingdao 青岛, China 中国
4.2012 |
"Looking at Qingdao Through the Eyes of a Child" : QIYC Marina City : Qingdao : China
11.2008 |
The Cleveland Clinic : Art Expressions : Allison Academy : USA
11.2008 |
AlleyCat Allies : Jojo the Jazz Kitty : Benefit Auction : USA
8.07.2007 |
"BisNow On Business":Article featuring Studley Washington DC Office
6.2007 |
"Floridians for Smarter Growth":Contributor: Preview of Floridian Series
2.2007 |
"El Nuevo Herald", Miami, FL : Group Show: Fundacion Educativa Carlos Castaneda
3.16.2006 |
"El Nuevo Herald", Miami, FL: El Reencuentro de Perez-Rubio: Galeria Section
Summer.2006 |
"Casa&Estilo Internacional", Article on City of God Series
Fall.2005 |
"Neighborhood Leadership Academy Program": City of Miami Beach
2005 |
Mindful Parenting by Scott Rogers: Pen and Ink Illustrations
2004 |
"El Ahram North American Edition", 2.27.2004 : Feature article on US Exhibition |
2003 |
Music of Puerto Rico Foundation painting featured on Website for Tito Puente |
2003 |
Conflict by Rich Green, Gopher Press Minneapolis, MN: Cover Art
1997 |
"Faultine: Art and Literature Journal" University of California Irvine, Vo. 8 |
1996-1997 |
School of Visual Arts (SVA), NY, NY : unmatriculated classes in Photoshop, Illustrator and Computer Design
1995 - 1999 |
Art Students League, NY, NY : drawing workshops and unmatriculated classes in painting
1995 |
Fordham University, The Bronx, NY : MA Political Philosophy
1990-1991 |
Oxford University, Wadham College, Oxford, England SYA
1992 |
Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY : BA Liberal Arts
1988 |
The Hill School, Pottstown, PA

Above: A Portrait of the Artist at Laoshan Mountain in Qingdao, China 2011 : Pen and Ink. Limited Edition