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There is an epidemic of tracing today in Art Education: Tracing is NOT Drawing.
There are two ways to draw something or two ways to make a drawing from what you see. From the outside in, and from the inside out. Many people copy the outline or "contour drawing", effectively tracing the image, following the far outline and then, filling it. Another approach is to "build" the object from shapes and forms,
starting with a gesture line (or another elements of art**) from the "inside out". This helps to get the right mass volume and proportion...which is
difficult to do when contour drawing. In this way, a drawing is a construction. Tracing an outline, however, may give you a FALSE sense of accomplishment and best and at worst, in schools it can be
considered plagiarism if you trace an image and pass it on as your own. Today there are myriad apps for such a purpose. Perhaps that is why
people do not know how to make drawings anymore=/ and "drawing is hard" says [sic.], and so is reading and writing. |

Existe una epidemia de rastreo en las escuelas publicas y privadas en todo Estados Unidos e internacionalmente, donde las plantillas (o los stencils)se han convertido en
lugares comunes y los maestros se han vuelto perezosos, por lo que los estudiantes no aprenden demasiado a dibujar lo que ven - o saben como construir un dibujo a partir de la observación
o su imaginacion. Las plantillas pueden mejorar las habilidades motoras en estudiantes muy jovenes, pero las ruedas de entrenamiento deben salirse y los estudiantes deben aprender a dibujar por sà mismos.
Las plantillas, asi como las nuevas tecnologias que facilitan la creacion de imagenes, son excelentes herramientas para mejorar las el dibujo, pero deben usarse con precaucion en la clase de arte.
There exists today an epidemic of tracing in private and public schools throughout the United Stares - and internationally - where stencils have become
commonplace and teachers have become lazy so students do not learn how to draw what they see or know how to construct/build a drawing from observation
or their imagination. Stencils may enhance motor skills in very young learners but the training wheels must come off and students should learn to draw on their own.
Stencils, as well as new technologies that make imaging easy are great tools to enhance and improve drawing skills, but they should be used with caution in art class.
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Brooke helpt werkpaarden en ezels van straatarme mensen in ontwikkelingslanden.
Onze toegewijde lokale dierenartsen en hun teams geven gratis diergeneeskundige hulp, voorlichting
en cursussen in gemeenschappen in Egypte, India, Jordani en Pakistan. |
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